目前分類:英文學習 (31)

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Birth of the bikini(比基尼的誕生)

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Do you think sinking(下沈;低降)billiard balls sounds easy? Well there's one easy thing to do if you're a beginner-scratch! A scratch happens when the cue ball doesn't hit the intended(意圖;打算) ball first. Maybe the cue ball hits your opponent's ball first instead. That's against the rules. And if you sewer, that means your cue ball goes down into a pocket unintentionally(無心地;無意地). When this happens, your opponent(敵手;對手) gets a free shot at his colored balls.

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Rack 'em up 排起來

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The most beautiful corpse of all time? (史上最美麗的屍體?)

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Spiritualism-Contacting the Dead 招魂術-與死者接觸

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The Curse of the Mummy (木乃伊的詛咒)

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The Bermuda Triangle (百幕達三角)

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Ghost Ships(鬼船)

People still see the Mary Celeste from time to time drifting(飄流) in the north Atlantic , with no captain(船長) or crew(全體船員或機員). Late, on certain dark and stormy nights, fishermen tell stories of the time they came across her and climbed(爬) aboard to see for themselves. The story is always the same: The ship is in good condition, with the sails(帆) furled(捲). The table is still set for dinner. A rope hangs(懸掛) over the side, and the ship’s lifeboat(救生艇) is gone, as if the crew left in a big hurry(匆忙).

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Welcome to the twilight zone(歡迎來到陰陽魔界)

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Although hardly longer than the Boeing 747-400, currently(目前;當下) the biggest passenger(乘客) plane, the A-380 enjoys a distinct(明確的;清楚的) advantage in floor space. Two passenger decks(層) run the full length of the plane. Fitted for meximum(最高的;最大的) seating , the plane could hold an unbelievable 840 passengers. In the standard 3 class arrangement. It will still hold 555 people, far more than the 416-passanger limit of the Boeing 747. Some critics(批評者;評論家) have asked what would happen if two A-380s arrive at an airport at the same time. Imagine the wait for your luggage(行李;旅行箱).

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The first superjumbo jet (第一代超級巨無霸噴射機)

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